The Smart Cookie



★ 美國亞馬遜讀者五星好評,一出版就登上《紐約時報》暢銷榜! ★ 美國《出版人週刊》、《科克斯書評》一致推薦! ★《可以說晚安了嗎?》暢銷作者喬里約翰 x 憤怒鳥動畫設計師聯手打造 完美詮釋孩子的心聲,並提供不同的教養思考角度, 在孩子成長過程給予最好的守護!   我的學校是薑餅屋,老師是義式餅乾,人很好又很有耐心,但拿不到好成績總是讓我很沮喪。課堂上我從來不舉手,因為我不像同學們一樣聰明,總能很快想到正確答案,考試時我也常常拖到最後才交卷。每晚回到餅乾罐的家中,我總是為了學校的事而煩惱,睡也睡不著。可是有一天,老師開了一項特別的作業,該如何完成讓我很苦惱,沒想到這件事卻意外改變了我的人生……我終於發現,原來完美的成績和正確答案不代表一切,聰明和才華也可能以不同的方式展現,找到最適合自己的舞台,每個人都可以是最棒的聰明餅乾!  Be a smart cookie—and don’t miss the fifth picture book in the #1 New York Times bestselling Food Group series from creators Jory John and Pete Oswald!   This cookie has never felt like a smart cookie no matter how hard she tries, especially in comparison to all the clever cupcakes and brilliant rolls in the bakery. Will a dash of creativity and a sprinkle of confidence be enough to help her learn that perfect scores and having all the answers aren’t the only ingredients for intelligence?   Jory John and Pete Oswald serve up another heaping plate of laughs and lessons with this empowering, witty, and charming addition to their #1 New York Times bestselling series!
